Last Week on LinkedIn

What did you miss on LinkedIn last week? How about the time I mistakenly produced privileged documents or some of the things folks have added during the pandemic?

Check out the full posts below and some of the best comments from the crowd. 

Connect with me anytime Jessica Medina LinkedIn

Tuesday, April 13, 2021 - Pandemic Spending

The pandemic forced many of us to stop spending money on things that were a big part of our lives -- and many of my clients can attest to the savings involved -- but what’s one expense that you’ve added in (or increased) during these times that you’re going to keep?

For my family, it’s firewood.

We’ve used more firewood in the past year than we have in all the years combined in this home (which is now nearing a decade!!!).

But having a fire pit night, whether just me and the hubs, or as part of an outdoor, socially distanced, small gathering of friends, has been so good for my soul.

There’s nothing more mesmerizing than staring into flickering flames.

It made for great conversation.

It made November nights tolerable.

And I’m keeping this new tradition.

Here are a few of my favorite responses from folks:

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How about you?

What’s something you actually added to your budget that you’re planning on keeping even when the world opens back up?

Thursday, April 15, 2021 - Producing Privileged Documents

I still remember the first privileged documents I mistakenly produced. I was barely a 2nd year and put in charge of a large production. I thought I had a pretty good system figured out, but some priv stuff got through and I had to let the partner know.

I was terrified.

I researched clawback rules and came up with some proposed solutions, but none of them a guarantee.

And he wasn’t very understanding.

He pretty much told me that I should have known better, even though this was my very first production and he didn’t provide a lot of guidance.

For the next round I personally reviewed every single document (in paper!) before it went out the door.

That experience made me beyond cautious -- excellent, but often overly cautious.

And that spilled into other areas of my life. 

Like my career prospects.

And money.

I was afraid to really do anything for fear that I’d do the wrong thing.

That can happen when you spend your days in a perfectionist environment.

But if you don’t take chances you’ll never grow.

If you don’t make changes you’ll never get different results.

Great results don’t come from perfect performance.

They come from trying something new, and maybe failing, but trying again.

I know it’s scary. I’ve been there. And I can help. (But no more priv reviews!)

And just so you don’t think I’m the only other attorney in the world who makes mistakes, here’s a few comments from some brave attorneys who learned from theirs, too...

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Last Week on LinkedIn


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