Let’s Talk About Estate Planning with Natalie Goldberg

I am often the first financial professional my clients talk to, but very rarely am I the last. 

As your assets grow and life evolves, it’s important to link up with the right professionals to set your future (and your families’) up for success. Natalie Goldberg is one of those professionals. Her expertise in Estate Planning aka Legacy Planning is unparalleled. Natalie carries a full career of experience, but above that, she is real-life and relatable. 

For those who don’t know the antiquated term of “estate planning” it basically means putting a plan in place for all your assets when you pass. What does that look like? Natalie was gracious enough to spend 45 minutes with me breaking it down and giving her best advice. Check out the video to see Natalie tell it like it is. 

These are just a few of the questions she answered for us: 

  1. What are the basic things you need for Legacy Planning?

  2. What is the difference between the different options?

  3. How do I protect my firm or business?

  4. How much are ongoing costs?

  5. If money isn’t the biggest hurdle, what is?

  6. How do I decide who gets what?

  7. What’s a pour-over will?

  8. What about life insurance?

  9. What about long term care insurance?

Legacy planning does not have to be complicated. Natalie is here to make it simple! Get in touch with her and start the process of Legacy Planning today, you can’t afford to wait!

Website: https://www.goldbergllp.com/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/natalieelishagold/

If you’re looking for a financial professional to help you think through your personal situation you can always reach out to me. Schedule a free initial consultation (this is over the phone, no Zoom shirt required!). 


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