Adventures in an RV

June 2022


May 2022


April 2022


March 2022

Life isn’t just about figuring out the money (though that certainly helps) so as my husband and I move into this new phase of RV travel I wanted to share the adventure. Check out the monthly blog updates for a front seat to the journey. My clients often crave a little more than the traditional lawyer lifestyle, so here’s my version of what that can look like…

Jester King Brewery, Medina River Winery, Margaritas, Chips Salsa, Traveling RV
Traveling USA RV, Texas Speed limit, Harvest Hosts
Getting dressed up, wedding fun, escaping biglaw, financial freedom
Traveling RV with cat, Working Remote, In and Out Burger
working full time remote, traveling rv, RV Cat Escaping Biglaw
Denver Working Remote, Traveling RV
Denver recommendations, carboy winery breakfast on broadway bloody marys yak & yeti

Why I Stayed Stuck In Biglaw (and it wasn’t just about the money)


How I paid off over $200,000 in student loans and lived my life while doing it