Last Week on LinkedIn

May 24-30

Not only is the housing market blowing up right now, but so is the job market for lawyers! Change can be very scary, but also a very exciting crossroads. It’s no secret that happiness and money don’t always see eye to eye. The training we receive as up-and-coming lawyers sometimes leads us to look for the dark side of people first. It is exhausting work!

See what I mean in my LinkedIn posts from this past week. You can find a path to a career you love and still have financial stability...maybe even financial freedom. See what others have to say! 

Connect with me anytime Jessica Medina Linkedin

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 - At a Crossroads

This is an amazing job market for lawyers. But what if you’re not sure whether a move would rock the financial boat? My client is done with Biglaw but needed guidance on which opportunities would fit her lifestyle and financial goals, and which might require some more creative maneuvering. That’s where I come in.

Many of my clients come to me at a crossroads.

They know they want to leave their current work situation (whether as soon as possible or at some point in the future) and they can’t even begin to think about alternatives because the financial implications seem so unknown.

So they’re stressed at their job, stressed with their life, and figuring out the money is just overwhelming.

So they don’t even apply.

They don’t go after their dreams.

They don’t become the person they were meant to be.

But what if there were another way?

What if you had a roadmap out of your current life?

Created by a financial expert who understands your lawyer life and what it’s like to change careers, or leave the law altogether?

What if this person made sure you actually did something this time?

This is what I do for my clients. 

We figure out what paths allow you to love your work without the sacrifices. 

And you get the roadmap and a super fun travel buddy.

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Thursday, May 27, 2021 - Exhausting Work 

Lawyers are trained to mistrust humans. I had this realization when comparing grad school to law school. Engineers and doctors are trained to combat world problems, often together. Lawyers are trained to fight another lawyer. So if you really love humans, lawyering may go against your true nature. That was my experience.

I decided I wanted to be a lawyer when I was in high school. I was enamored with the idea of an intellectually challenging career that had some performative aspects (hello, musical theater nerd here). 

But then I started practicing -- litigation of course -- and I realized that most of it was pretty adversarial (I know, I know, should have picked up on that sooner!).

I’d spend my days thinking of how to outsmart the lawyer on the other side. 

And I developed a tendency to not trust any humans around me. 

Were they trying to get one over on me? 

Lying to me? 

Hiding something? 

It was my job to uncover the weaknesses.

And although I was good at it, I never truly enjoyed it.

So after years of arguing, I was exhausted.

And I now realize it wasn't the actual work, I was exhausted from mistrusting humans.

I still love a good puzzle, in fact I now solve financial puzzles for my clients all day long, I just don’t fight with them about it!

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Let’s Talk About Financial Planning for Law Firm Owners


Last Week on LinkedIn